Certified Kubernetes Administrator CKA Course Downloads

Congratulations on enrolling in this Certified Kubernetes Administrator course

To kick-off your successful exam preparation, follow these easy steps below: 

  1. Download the code required for the hands-on lessons
  2. Access course slides (PDF)
  3. Join our Cloud Community for updates and special promotions
Certified Kubernetes Administrator Training

You’re now all set to start your on-demand video course. Happy learning!

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Click here to download the code required for the hands-on lessons.

2. Course Slides

To access your free course slides in PDF format for the Certified Kubernetes Administrator training, simply submit this form. 

3. Join our Community for Exclusive Promotions

Join our cloud community of over 750,000 happy students and get updates on new course launches, AWS announcements and special promotions only available via email – including chances to win exam vouchers and other free training resources!